Lime Basil Rice: A simple way to transform a staple into something exotic and delicious

Whenever we are preparing a meal, we like to use fresh ingredients as much as possible.  That being said, we all have day jobs and sometimes you just don’t have enough time and energy to cook a weeknight meal from scratch.

But just because you are buying some ready made food doesn’t mean you can’t have a great meal.  Today, we’ll show you how to take something as simple as instant jasmine rice, and make it into a world class side dish.

One of the main ingredients, lime basil, is a little bit on the exotic side.  It doesn’t taste like normal basil. It has a bright citrus flavor that goes great with the rice.  You can likely find it at your local Asian market or you can grow it in a pot.  They grow like weeds here in California and reseed themselves every year.

Lime Basil is easy to grow

If you would like to buy some seeds you can click on the link below:

Super Simple Lime Basil Rice Recipe


  • 1 Box of instant Jasmine Rice – click here to get it on amazon
  • 1/4 cup of chopped of Lime Basil (Feel free to add more if you like the citrus flavor)
  • 1/2 stick of Butter
  • Juice of 1 Lime

Simple yet Exotic Lime Basil Rice Recipe

Steps to Cook

  1. Follow the cooking instructions on the instant rice.
  2. Cut the butter into smaller chunks and mix into the cooked rice.  Stir until all the butter is melted into the rice.
  3. Mix the lime basil into the rice until it is fully incorporated.
  4. Squeeze the lime juice on top of the rice.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

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